Friday, April 9, 2010

A Statement About My Lameness. And The Good Wife. And Anything Else I Can Think Of.

I am lame.

Most of you already knew this, but I feel at this juncture that it's something I should confess in a full-disclosure-kinda-way. I can barely keep up with my reading, and as previously noted, I don't necessarily care about the TV watching. Also, I haven't watched a movie in... well... a while.

"So," you ask, irritated. "WTF are you doing here? And why do you have a blog in which you declare yourself to be 'The Movie Girl?'"

"Shut up," I reply.

I have been alternating my viewing experiences between my Buffy marathon (though I'm now well ensconced in the season 6/7 darkness and can only handle it in limited doses) and The Good Wife, which is as excellent and quality and compelling as has been widely reported. The court cases are borderline lame, and honestly it would be nice if she lost one once in a while, but the characters are magnificent, and this is nothing if not a character driven show.

My favorite character is Kalinda Sharma, the law firm investigator who is one part Jack Bristow, two parts James Ford. In a skirt and boots. She's tough, mysterious, loyal, and capable of getting anyone to talk about just about anything. Amazing.

Obviously we really love Juliana Marguiles and Josh Charles, but I didn't know how much I love them together. Chemistry! Loveliness! And a perfectly paced relationship! Hooray! And, having never jumped on the Sex and the City bandwagon, I haven't been sure about Chris Noth and his awesomeness, but I am now fully convinced. And is it weird that I have a little crush on him? Not a Mr. Big crush, a State's Attorney Florrick crush. Hmm...

Speaking of Josh Charles, I have been doing a mini Sports Night marathon as well-- every time I sit down to watch that show I am reminded of a) the 90s and b) just how amazing all of those actors are. Most of them have gone on to bigger and better, (or at least, bigger better Sorkin), but there is something about the chemistry of them all together that remains remarkable even a decade later.

I suppose that's all I have for the moment. Aren't you glad you joined me today?

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