Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Statement About 30 Rock

I have been meaning to write this particular post for a while, but it's even more relevent today, so here we go.

30 Rock is excellent.  I don't say that with a single reservation, or with an ounce of exaggeration.  Tina Fey has created a show that is both smart and ridiculous (my favorite kind) and with a cast that is absolutely to die for.

The key to the excellence has to be a complete knowledge and respect for the people she wants watching this show.  For example, what should have been a routine product placement of Verizon products in season 2, the writers take on their selling-out dead on when Fey's Liz Lemon, after extolling the virtues of the network, looks straight into the camera and says "Can we have our money now?"

And then there is Liz Lemon herself.  Never before has there been such a female character on television, and she could not be more relatable even in her exagerrated neurosis.  Liz is socially awkward, a Star Wars dork, an emotional eater (see:  Cheese curls, a $57 steak, and a meatball sub with extra bread.)  Liz is not desperate for a man to come along and make her a complete person-- she already is.  But that doesn't keep her from wanting the companionship anyway (see: Dennis Duffy). 

Even the shortened second season (oh... the Writer's Strike seems so long ago, doesn't it?) the material is fresh and outrageous and smart as hell.  Why aren't you watching?

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