Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Statement About Why It's Taking So Long

OK, full disclosure time: I am having trouble coming up with my Top 10 Favorite movies.

Not that I am unsure as to what they are, but it's the order and the dynamics of the thing that are eluding me. I mean, how many classics are too many without being pretentious? And which horrifically stupid but terrifically classic comedy deserves a spot in the top 10? The moral of the story is that I am not blowing off the list, but am instead taking my time to organize my thoughts. I apologize for the delay and hope to have something to say by the end of next week.

On a sad closing note, RIP Heath Ledger. It seems he has joined the ranks of those young, impossibly talented actors whose lives were cut short, seemingly by their talent and the excessive-ness that comes with it. Tragic.

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