Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here it is. Before we begin, I expect to see some serious comments re: your top 10, and all of the (incorrect) reasons you think mine are wrong.

10. Juno
9. Love, Actually
8. The Princess Bride
7. Waitress
6. Pride and Prejudice
5. His Girl Friday
4. Pulp Fiction
3. The Incredibles
2. Meet Me in St. Louis
1. The Philadelphia Story


Wendy Pan said...

Ok, well first of all... they are YOUR favorite top ten movies, so they can hardly be "wrong." The fact that you have left off some amazing movies can only be criticized if one were to imply that your own preferences are seriously misguided. That being said...
10 - Brokeback Mountain
9 - Funny Girl
8 - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
7 - Sleepless in Seattle
6 - Shrek (the first)
5 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
4 - Love Actually
3 - Cat Ballou
2 - Holiday Inn
1 - Gone With the Wind

barb said...

And don't forget "King of Hearts" and "Harold and Maude"!